
Thursday, September 30, 2010


Help me God, to be resolute.
Choosing not the easy route.
Fearing not that I might suffer,
To say with David, “I will not offer
burnt offerings that cost me nothing.”
So that YOU might be my everything.

...linking up with Emily for Imperfect Prose courtesy of camuna


amy said...

amen! so beautifully spoken.

Michelle DeRusha said...

Yes, choosing the easy often that's my choice. My fear of suffering, my fear period, prevents me from doing what God asks. You nailed it with this simple, but powerful, poem, amy!

Amanda MacB said...

I need this to be my prayer.

Kati patrianoceu said...

This is so wonderful. But I'd be deceiving if I didn't admit that it terrifies me. Suffering, cost... those are not easy things. I see those things all around me and it terrifies me to voluntarily take those on. Even then medium challenges of my own life sometimes feel unbearable! I will keep praying for God to give me the strength.

Sarah said...

Found you via Em's . . . and I love this. It's so beautiful, thinking of sacrifice like that (beautiful and scary!).

Kara said...

Beautifully written.

Thank you for sharing your heart today!


alittlebitograce said...

amen! i used to be scared of prayers like that because i'm terrified that God would take my children and husband. i think He wants something more. He wants my comforts, my little bad habits that I like, my reading choices, all the little things that i like to think are mine alone. but now, i just want God. in everything. in me.

Mommy Emily said...

i felt my soul exhale with this ....

i think i need to print it off...would you mind?

such a beautiful prayer, amy. such a holy offering. thank you.

Hammy said...

Try to think of how you will feel some day when you see your children walking with Him, talking with Him; their prayers, sharing their journey with Him. Oh my, I am crying with tears of deep joy, joy that almost hurts it is so deep. To know my son and daughter are both experiencing His love here, now.

Love you.
